Fibonacci Spiral Luminaire (2017)


  • Project: Fibonacci Spiral Luminaire
  • Designer: Emem Essien
  • Material: Gold acrylic
  • Software: Adobe Illustrator, Rhino3D
  • Project Year: 2017

"Shine Bright Like a Diamond"

Those lyrics are from Rihanna's hit single "Diamonds" from which my lighting concept for a luminary device is derived. It inspires my discovery of a polyhedron such as the Fibonacci spiral. Its unique qualities in terms of lighting properties are a multi-faceted luminaire with Fibonacci spiral laser cuts. This could largely enhance lighting experience when light is projected in a dark room; thus, brightening it which aligns with the focal point of the project.

The design is a simple assemblage for the rather complex design and unique material usage of gold acrylic. It consists of four main bodies of the luminaire (the Fibonacci spiral petals) housed within four holder slots acting as columns. Although the main design intent is for it to be suspended from a ceiling, these holders also add some versatility to it in case it is to be used as a table lamp. Additionally, this device has more personality with the inscription of my name "Emem" on all four holder slots, and my initial sculpted at the top of the luminaire. 

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Model Exploration

Research: Sunflower's Fibonacci Pattern

Ideation Drawings: Luminaire

Initial Sculpted Prototype

Revised Rhino 3D Working & Dimensioned Drawings 

1. Structured Drawings

2. Dimensioned Drawings

3. Rendered Images

Revised Assembly Details

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Lasercutting Process

Adobe Illustrator Lasercutting Files

These files were rendered on 18” x 18” artboards and to be reproduced on gold mirror acrylic.

1. Luminaire Bodies

2. Holder Slots

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Physical Model

Seamless Assembly Details

Impressive Shadow Effect

Grand Pattern Projection

Using Format