Home Monitor for Children with Epilepsy (2020)

NOTE: To view a more detailed coursework, please click here.

  • Genre: Product Design for Healthcare (User Roadmap)
  • Medium: Hand-drawn & Handwritten
  • Year: 2020 

Completed through the duration of my MOOC course in Design for Healthcare: Using Patient Journey Mapping from Delft University, this project aims to address healthcare challenges by creating a step-by-step patient journey map step by step that gives fresh insights on how to solve them. The patient journey map identifies: 1.) the main actors involved with my idea, 2.) the phases and sub-phases of my idea, 3.) the interaction points of each actor in each phase, 4.) the emotions and reactions (both positive and negative) that my idea could elicit, and 5.) the insights that can be identified in each step of the patient's journey. I worked on designing home monitoring solutions for children with epilepsy to ensure peace of mind for both children and parents at night when epileptic episodes are more likely to occur.

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Case Study


  • Case Study: Home detection and monitoring
  • Institution: SEIN Centre of Excellence for Epilepsy and Sleep Medicine, the Netherlands
  • Question: What product/device that can help a child with epilepsy (one that may experience one or two seizers per year or multiple seizures a day or night) to have a safe night, and ensure their parents have a goodnight's sleep as well?


  • Design Idea: Air-Conditioning Monitor with Child's Painting
  • Design Goal: To ensure the child and parents have a peaceful night by minimising triggers in the built environment the child interacts with.

Patient Journey Map

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Project Description: Home Monitoring Device


  • Title: Air conditioning monitor with child's artwork
  • Description: 4-in-1 air conditioner, ventilator, artwork display, and monitoring device with hidden camera and alarm
  • Why this idea helps achieve design goal: This adaptive device would monitor the patient without compromising the patient's autonomy (own artwork) and the beauty of the bedroom space. This makes the child's physical environment more inviting and less triggering of a space to be in at their most vulnerable.


1.) Monitoring device would be mounted on the wall of the child's bedroom. 

2.) Monitoring device can be operated using a remote control, thermostat, or phone application to adjust the temperature or camera settings. 

3.) The child's artwork is placed in the frame and only lights up when the child has seizure episodes. 

4.) Monitoring device can work in connection to wearable tech, or automatically with its own motion detector. 

5.) The minute the monitoring device picks up sudden movements from the patient while asleep, it triggers an alarm, which goes off once the parents/caregiver is with the child.

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